Arable Farming In India : The brief guide
The use of mechanized farming in India’s arable farming is very important. In such terms and conditions, Swaraj 855 and Mahindra Jivo 365 are one of the most chosen options in the industry. Farming lands just admire these tractors’ capabilities as they are one of the most performing and desirable tractors in the country. Arable farming in India and its mechanization have been feeding the country for more than a century now. Hence, in this blog, we will discuss arable farming with Swaraj 855, Mahindra Jivo 365 tools, etc., and farming machinery.
What is Arable farming?
Arable farming in India is one of the largest farming practices in India, making it one of the largest countries which depend on the practice of farming. Arable farming is a type of farming in which people cultivate crops rotationally or periodically rather than farming animals, fruits and vegetables. The crops mentioned above are grain crops, Pulse crops, oilseed crops, forage crops, fibre crops, and tuber crops.
Process of arable farming
Arable Farming involves mainly two processes:
- Sowing: In this type of practice, the seeds are directly put into the arable land.
- Planting: In this practice, live plants are planted directly into the soil in this type.
The above two processes are further classified into the below-given steps and are performed perfectly with Swaraj 855 and Mahindra Jivo 365.
- Broadcasting
In this type of practice, seeds are scattered with open hands. It comes in the Sowing practice of arable farming. Speaking of which, the Swaraj 855 and Mahindra Jivo 365 are used to plough, cultivate and thus prepare the land before/along with the process that takes place.
- Dibbling
In this method of sowing in arable land where the seed is sowed directly into the soil.
- Drilling
In this type, the seeds are put into the soil using a driller.
Importance of arable farming in India using Swararj 855 & Mahindra Jivo 365
Arable farming, in other words, is called a sustainable, organized farming system that involves the use of modern machines such as Swaraj 855 and Mahindra Jivo 365. Henceforth, more and more crops are being produced day by day for the hungry population. This crop and food demand will only increase day by day. So, in order to fulfil the above-mentioned demand on a daily basis, arable farming needs to be completed on a daily basis. In such scenarios, only arable farming has the potential to fulfil the demand.
List of Arable crops
Arable crop production is widespread in India, and it covers a total of 50% of farmlands. Arable crops are responsible for giving an ample range of annual/half-yearly, etc., crops that provide food to the country’s population and beyond.
- Grain crops: Crops such as wheat, maize, rice, and barley. Etc.
- Pulse crops: These are edible nitrogenous crops.
- Oilseed crops: e.g. rapeseed, soybean etc.
- Fibre crops: These crops are mostly used talking out clothing or non-clothing fibres.
The types of Arable Farming
Arable farming is growing at a fast pace and is the need of the hour. Hence, it is growing developing countries by providing them with the utmost part, i.e. food that keeps them alive. In this section, we will discuss the types of arable farming and how it is done using Swaraj 855 and Mahindra Jivo 365.
Inorganic Arable Farming
In this type of arable farming, inorganic fertilizers, pesticides and germicides are used as common inorganic ways to boost the fertility of the soil, kill pests, kill herbs, etc. Furthermore, the Swaraj 855 and Mahindra Jivo 365 tractors play their part in soil cultivation, preparation and sowing and/or planting crops in the farmland.
Organic Arable farming
In this type of farming, organic, i.e. carbon compound-based fertilizers, insecticides and germicides, are used as common ways to boost soil fertility. This is done to avoid the exploitation of arable land and thus maintain sustainability. Thus ecology of the environment around and food chains depending on the arable land is maintained equally. Furthermore, organic arable farming, although a little bit expensive, should be a preferred method of farming.
The commercialization of arable crops
With the help of Swaraj 855 and Mahindra Jivo 365, India, at its prime time and with prime weather conditions, has gifted its countrymen an enormous amount of arable farming wealth. India is one of the largest producers of wheat, rice, cereals and many other arable crops, which has led to its successful commercialization. India, being one of the agriculture-based economies, has enough arable crop supply chain to feed its own country and even export to other countries for profit. Seeing this capability of farmers, the central government has passed many resolutions supporting the same.
Use of technology in arable farming
Nowadays, technology has revolutionalized all sectors of the economy. And the agricultural sector of India is not very far from it. Let us discuss some of the revolutionary technologies that are influencing agriculture nowadays.
- Unmanned aerial vehicle (Drones): This technology is commonly being used for aero inspection, a nutrient wealth of crops, etc., parameters that affect healthy crop production.
- Machine Learning: This technology is being used in the research and development of seeds and their varieties, getting their use in arable agriculture.
- AI: Artificial intelligence, aka AI, is being used to develop self-learning abilities in machines so that they can produce game-changing results.
Final words
Mahindra Jivo 365 and Swaraj 855 are one most popular and used tractors in arable farming in India.
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