Hair Transplant… What? As? Why?
Hair transplantation is a procedure or medical treatment in which surgeons harvest hair follicles from one part of the body for the bald part of the body. trapianto di capelli It is a procedure in which the balding area of the body is provided with hair. The part from which the hair is taken is called the donor site and the part where it is to be inserted (bald area) is called the recipient site. It is also known as follicular unit transplantation.
How is it done?
• Planning before the operation
When you go to a doctor for this procedure, he will first ask you about your preferences and expectations and analyze your scalp. This planning will help you know how dense the hair will be after the transplant. Doctors will give you recommendations on what to do and what not to do before the surgery. FUT Hair Transplantation (Follicular Unit Transplantation)
In the FUT transplant process, the doctor removes a specific one-centimeter strip from the back of your head and then stitches the area around. The area becomes covered with hair.
Next, the medical team divides the strip of removed scalp into five hundred to two thousand small grafts, each with its own hair or just a few hairs. The amount of graft you get depends on your hair type, the quality, the color and also the size of the area you get the graft. FUE hair transplant (Follicular Unit Extraction)
In the FUE transplant process, the hair doctor first shaves your hair from the donor area. Then the doctor removes the follicles one by one with Fue Punch. The hair doctor then uses very tiny little blades or fine needles to pierce the sites where the grafts will be received, inserting them at a preset density and shape, and evenly angling the lesions to create a sensible hair pattern. The technicians usually perform the last part of the procedure and insert the individual grafts in the right place. This process can be done in one long session or in many small sessions.
- Leaves a donor scar
• Longer healing time • More discomfort in the donor area • Maximum graft yield is higher than FUE • Less expensive
- Leaves no linear donor scar.
Healing time is shorter. •Less discomfort in the donor area. The maximum graft yield of FUE is lower than that of FUT - List of Hair Transplant Equipment:
• Implant Pen • Fue • Hair Transplant FUE Follicular Unit Extraction Machine • Cylindrical Fue Punch • Tweezers • HT Micro Titanium Tweezers • Manual Hair Transplant Punch Holder • Hair Transplant Titan FUE etc.
Why is it profitable compared to other hair growth strategies?
• It is one of the hair restoration procedures in which your own hair is transplanted from the back of the scalp. It grows naturally. The hair color is the same as your original hair. Hair growth begins inconspicuously every two to three months. The hair replacement completes its recovery at eight to ten month intervals.
•Another good thing about this surgery is that you only get hair that is terribly manageable. Transplanted hair works similarly to your naturally large hair clinic turkey , so you don’t need to use special shampoos or chemicals to maintain its density. • Hair transplants are absolutely safe and natural. This method does not use any special chemicals or drugs that could harm your hair. Among all hair growth methods, hair transplantation is the most natural. The results of hair loss treatment are so clear that most people are not willing to say that you just received a hair transplant. •It helps cover up bald spots with your own hair that doesn’t need maintenance. It improves the person’s safety and appearance. The cost might be higher but it is the most effective process in treating hair loss.